It's a wonder that any of us can get along. There are so many things, so many variables, so many free radicals that influence us every day. Emotions driven by basic primal instinct, prejudice born from upbringing, confusion caused by unclear definition, a word taken the wrong way, attachment to the familiar, rejection of the strange... The list goes on. Does anyone in the world think like me? Do I think like everyone else? I often think about this. Could someone somewhere be thinking the exact thought I am right now? How do any of us know that our own mind's are unique? I can't go into another's brain and experience what they do. We all filter the information life throws at us in different ways. I think this is why it's hard to truly know someone. It's hard to judge (at least for me) in which ways someone is filtering something and how their filter compares to yours.
If you can reach the point of truly knowing someone, what happens when you find you don't like who they are? They have a bright facade for the world that encompasses a dark inner sanctum. I've seen many people playing these games. Some friends really aren't friends at all. But I know very few people this well. It's all observation.
I could be posting how much I love the weather here in Rome or how great Italian class was last week. But that's not the point.
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